GADING (Gathering and Dissemination of Information and Green Knowledge for a Sustainable Integrated Farming Workforce in Indonesia) Program, 2015 – 2018

Under the GADING program, Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE) contributes to support workforce development by empowering 2,400 workforce members (including 800 women) to adopt and possess skills for integrated agriculture and waste management systems based on optimized use of bio-digesters and highly nutritious Lemna (duckweed) as animal feed and organic fertilizer.

Directly and indirectly, this project contributes to economic prosperity and poverty reduction by using Lemna into the animal feed cycle that makes animals healthier, develops skills in organic farming and encourages farmer’s role in the bio-slurry value chain supported by microfinance, and help to mitigate climate change through optimization of waste streams for renewable energy and mixed agriculture and reduction of CO2 emissions.

Yayasan Rumah Energi 2025