From Narrow Land to Organic Garden

Sutrisno Gulton (58 years old) a resident of Bangko Jaya Village, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau is a palm oil farmer who also raises goats. He is someone who has a high interest in learning about sustainable agriculture. The story of Mr. Gultom began in September 2023 when he met his uncle in North Sumatra who told him about making organic fertilizer. He then tried to make organic fertilizer and implement sustainable agriculture. However, on his journey, he encountered many limitations, ranging from limited information and knowledge to the absence of a mentor or community to exchange ideas and experiences. 

Since the Independent Energy Village program organized by Rumah Energi in collaboration with PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PT PHR), Mr. Gultom has had the opportunity to participate in organic fertilizer-making training. Since the presence of domestic biogas, Mr. Gultom has utilized biogas dregs or bio-slurry as a raw material for making organic fertilizer. 

After successfully making organic fertilizer, Mr. Gultom applied it to the plants he planted in his yard. He grows various commodities, such as vegetables and family medicinal plants. “Plants that are given organic fertilizer regularly have healthier leaves and stems.” 

The benefits of organic fertilizer that are felt have made Mr. Gultom now transform his yard into a kitchen garden that is very useful for his family’s food. Previously his yard was just a space overgrown with weeds. By utilizing the yard on the right, left front, and back, Mr. Gultom plants many types of vegetables such as onions, kale, celery, long beans, winged beans, green beans, chilies, eggplant, and mustard greens. As for family medicinal plants, he plants galangal, red ginger, brotowali, horsetail leaves, ringworm trees, and galangal. 

As the first person to utilize his yard for a kitchen garden in his village, Mr. Gultom hopes to have an impact on the environment and society so that people can see and then plant vegetables for their own household consumption. 

Written by: Theo M. Putra
Edited by: Fauzan Ramadhan

22 January 2025