Integrated Collaboration towards Low Carbon District

Together with 11 other regencies in Indonesia, Gorontalo Regency is collaborating together in the Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) forum to realize integrated, sustainable agriculture and protect the environment.

LTKL together with Yayasan Rumah Energi, conducted a trial to implement a sustainable economic scheme with biogas as the driving force with the theme “Community-Based Sustainable Economy” which is expected to support and provide acceleration to link the potential of livestock, agriculture, and plantations in a low circular economy system. carbon. Together with Gorontalo Regency Government, represented by the Regency BAPPEDA, a trial run of 8 biogas digester units with a capacity of 4 m3 was built in three sub-districts: Boliyohuto, Bongomeme, and Tibawa. This trial has three objectives; to introduce biogas-based agriculture and plantations to the community, create figures who will become central figures in disseminating this information, and explore the readiness and challenges in the community in accepting the long-term program.

The biogas installation also provides the benefits of natural fertilizer or bio-slurry which is received by the beneficiaries in providing a solution to the scarcity of fertilizer experienced by farmers in the area. With the biogas installation, beneficiaries can use bio-slurry directly for their agriculture.

Yayasan Rumah Energi 2025