Smart Biogas Application Introduction Workshop for Microfinance Institutions and CPO

On February 9, 2021, Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE) held an online Smart Biogas Application Workshop Meeting for Microfinance Institutions and Construction Partner Organizations (CPO) using Zoom in an effort to introduce one of the latest biogas technology innovations in the BIRU program. At the end of 2020, YRE is trying to use digital technology to monitor the performance of biogas installations in the field which has been carried out by field staff called Quality Inspector.
(QI) or Technical Field Assistant (TFA), but with the challenge of limited human resources and distance that make some monitoring activities unable to be carried out intensively.
Using a biogas sensor will make it easier to monitor remotely by the YRE team. How the biogas sensor works by recording every use of biogas by the user through a sensor installed on the gas pipeline which can detect the flow of gas per day. The equipment will be regulated according to the daily use standards of biogas users so that if there is a mismatch of use, there is an indication of whether the biogas is not functioning properly, or other factors such as the user are not using biogas optimally.
Involving Mr. Stephanus T. Siagian, representative of the Parent of Cooperatives and Credit (Inkopdit), and Jelte Harnmeijer, representatives of Connected Energy, were present to deliver presentations from each perspective. Starting from the involvement of cooperatives and microfinance institutions in the biogas sensor financing scheme to the introduction and potential of biogas sensors and pay-go applications. All speaker materials can be downloaded at the following link:
- BioMiRu – New Biogas Variants
- Tantangan Pembelajaran & Inovasi Program Biogas GKKI
- Sensor Biogas
- PAYGO Best Practice
- Workshop Smart Biogas