Educational Tourism with Biogas for the Next Generation's Future

Apart from being involved in supporting sustainability through the domestic scale, biogas has also become a technology that educates the next generation on sustainability. This can be found in one of the educational tourism destination, COWINDO in Sendang District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java. Precisely standing on an area of 1.5 hectares in the slopes of the mountains of Wilis, Tugu village.
COWINDO was founded in 2018 and biogas developed in 2020. Biogas is expected to depict affordable and sustainable bioenergy technology to the tourist. Especially with the population of breeders in East Java which is the largest in Indonesia. Also, COWINDO has a cattle farm which also provides practical demonstrations of how biogas can be processed from livestock manure and how this scheme can provide a circular, household-scale economic scheme.
“The presence of Domestic Biogas at COWINDO can be an educational tour for school-age children as a vehicle for learning about renewable energy,” said Pak Warto as COWINDO’s Educational Tourism Manager.
For IDR 10,000 entrance fee, tourist can get an additional bottle of milk produced by the COWINDO
itself. The education package pertains to cattle farm production, milking cows, animal feed process,
and biogas. The education package price varies from IDR 40,000 to IDR 60,000 with minimal submission of 20 pax.