Puan Inspiratif Batch 2

After being successed with social entrepreneur incubation programs such as the Biogas RESCO program, Pro-Women and Puan Inspiratif Batch 1, Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE) continue to give more impact to entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of the Indonesian economy, especially women. By applying gender equality within the organization and outside the organization, YRE empowers women entrepreneurs who have important roles in the economy and family.
In celebrating the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, YRE conducted Puan Inspiratif Batch 2 by providing intensive training for women entrepreneurs. The materials from this training are including gender mainstreaming, financial management, business, and digital marketing which can be useful for participants in running their businesses to survive, especially during this pandemic.
For the Gender mainstreaming material, the GALS method was used which was facilitated by Ms. Kristin from Trukajaya, while the financial business management, photography and digital marketing materials were facilitated by Mr. Edward and Ms. Defia from Increase Bandung.
In this activity there were approximately 14 participants who actively participated in the full 5-day training, with very diverse backgrounds such as making various crafts from patchwork, plastic waste, fashion, organic rice, various processed chips, product sales services and several institutions such as Malang Gleerrr, Jawahir, Biyung Indonesia also joined in this training.
Although the backgrounds of all these participants are very diverse, in fact the online training process is still interesting for the participants and every participant is actively involved. This program training method is carried out using a participatory method with practice, so that participants do not get bored even though it is done in 5 days. In addition to the material given in class, the facilitator is also active outside the classroom in conducting discussions with participants.
Another interesting thing is that although the training has been completed, some participants are still consulting on the material provided by the facilitator, this shows that the material is in accordance with what the participants need, as stated by one of the participants, Westiani Agustin: “The Business Plan consultation has been completed with Mr. Edward and Ms. Debora! Thank you very much Mr Edward! It opens my mind and increase the spirit of super micro SMEs.”
In addition to the financial and business management materials which were felt by the participants, the material on gender mainstreaming was also quite interesting for the participants, some of the participants reflected on domestic and environmental conditions with the inequality of roles and their increasing knowledge regarding this matter.