Home Programs Water Conservation

Water Conservation

Water conservation project with an advocacy approach that involves key stakeholders in a collaborative movement to improve water quality.

West Tarum Canal or Kalimalang is the main support for clean water supply for settlements and industries from Karawang, Bekasi, to Jakarta. This is the basis for the need to maintain the quality of Kalimalang water. YRE through the program “Seeing, Sharing, and Working for Kalimalang” seeks to encourage the formation of movements and collaborations with stakeholders with an interest in Kalimalang on a stage together with long-term action and monitoring.

For more information please contact konservasi.air@rumahenergi.org

Water Conservation Program

Number of Beneficiaries

Number of Beneficiaries:

Number of Women Beneficiaries

Number of Women Beneficiaries:

Number of Beneficiaries Trained

Number of Beneficiaries Trained:

Other Contributions

Other Contributions:

Conversion of1.688 kg of Water Hyacinth into Handicrafts with Economic Value

Program Activities

Yayasan Rumah Energi 2024